Today, we will continue giving you more useful information about embassies in Vietnam. This list is their addresses , telephone and fax numbers in Hanoi Capital. So you can check it in case of you want to come there. Wish you have a happy trip in our country. ...READ MORE
These accommodations might not fit to everyone’s taste and none of them are conventional hotels. From mountain lodge, beach bungalow to local home stay in the isolated corner of Vietnam, this is a good choice for adventurously minded traveler.. ...READ MORE
We are a small travel company but acting responsibly toward environment since our establishment in 2001, our practices starts right from our staff’s daily life to the bigger operation of Footprint Travel to different destinations and regions in Vietnam. ...READ MORE
Here is some general advice about Vietnam do’s and don’ts from Footprint Vietnam Travel. ...READ MORE
The Footprint travel consultants have been very busy over the last three weeks. To take a little pressure off the day, Footprint held a Creativity Workshop. The workshop, which took up most of the afternoon, was a colourful, fun way to work together to make Footprint that much better for our guests. ...READ MORE