Do more outdoor activities to avoid Cv19

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Research and expert opinion suggests that it’s harder for the coronavirus to be transmitted between people in well-ventilated, outdoor areas so any outdoor activities with less people will generally safer than visiting indoor places such as museum, markets, etc.. ...READ MORE

How to Handle Vietnam Vacation Plans during Covid-19

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Even though we already have various kinds of Covis-19 vaccine in the World, so much of the country and the world is still under quarantine and lockdown, traditional travel plans still may not be on the table. Your summer travel plans and vacation checklists may need to shift—or be canceled altogether—to protect your health and the health of the people you meet when you're out and about. ...READ MORE

Footprint Travel Declares a Climate Emergency

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At Footprint, we believe travel is about making the world a better place. With a journey of 20 years of responsible travel, we have strived to provide good value to the local community, improve and reduce environmental impact, raise public awareness and protect species through tourism. As most of our holidays are walking or cycling-based, we strive to maintain our operations as environmentally friendly as possible. ...READ MORE


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As one of the first sustainable travel companies in Vietnam, Footprint Travel always understands that the World will be better by making travel about the people we meet and not just the places we see. The Swiss Sustainable Tourism Programme (SSTP) has accompanied Footprint Travel for many years to remain our core value in sustainability. ...READ MORE

My favorite trail marathons in Vietnam.

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Whether it’s a vacation or hiking tours, combining fitness and travel is definitely a hot trend. My personal motivation to exercise stems mainly from the promise of traveling to a new location. Each year I pick a destination and find a race I can run. While finishing the marathon feels euphoric, enjoying that race in a beautiful nature and mountain setting, a fun destination, or with the promise of a really excellent bonus at the finish line, makes it my travel the more worthwhile... ...READ MORE