Footprint Travel's 2023 Revival: Expanding the RefillMyBottle Project Worldwide

Footprint Travel leads the 2023 revival of RefillMyBottle, expanding the initiative globally. Join their mission to combat single-use plastic waste by encouraging businesses and communities to provide refill stations. Together, let's create a cleaner, greener world for the future. ...READ MORE

Level of Physical Activity 1-5 – Features of Footprint Products

Level of physical activity 1-5 – Features of Footprint products

Footprint’s products involved with lots of soft to tough adventures, which we’ve got to share with you so that you can choose what is best for you on your holiday. ...READ MORE

Footprint Travel's Commitment to Sustainable Tourism


Footprint Team's "Morning Coffee" on Practicing Sustainability in the Office

Our discussions centered around various aspects of sustainability, including energy conservation, waste reduction, responsible resource usage, and minimizing our environmental footprint. ...READ MORE

Exploring Pu Luong: A Memorable Footprint Family Outing

Our Pu Luong journey was more than routes and specialties – it was a family outing. Amid lush landscapes and shared stories, we found unity. Pu Luong's essence now lives in our hearts. Here's to more adventures! ...READ MORE