Sustainability Policy

by Footprint Team (2 January, 2025) - General information

1. Sustainability Management & Legal Compliance

We commit to comply with the national legislation, regulations, and sustainability management in which we:

  • Comply with all relevant legislation and embed sustainable development principles into core business practices;
  • Have a sustainability mission statement that is communicated to our customers, partners and suppliers;
  • Appoint a sustainability coordinator to manage sustainability-related tasks;
  • Ensure our employees understand our goals and are accountable for the implementation of our sustainable policies;
  • Have annual sustainability action plans with measurable criteria and active staff involvement;
  • Engage with and take an active role in external forums and working groups that promote sustainability in tourism.

2. Internal management: Social policy & human rights

We are dedicated to sustainable internal management by implementing a clear, well-communicated social policy that encompasses the following principles:

  • Respect human rights and their cultural values;
  • Ensure fair wage, extra benefits and working environment for our staff;
  • Provide equal opportunities in employment and avoid discrimination in recruitment, conditions of employment, access to training, senior positions, career progression, and any other employment-related opportunities;
  • Promote work-life balance through flexible working hours and remote work opportunity;
  • Encourage employees to speak freely when they have any concerns and use their feedback to measure employee satisfaction and improve;
  • Provide them with professional training and opportunities for personal development;
  • Create job opportunities for interns after their internship;
  • Commit to fostering an inclusive workplace where diversity is valued and respected;
  • Not directly or indirectly complicit in any human rights abuse.

3. Internal management: Environment and community relations

  • Encourage staff to use a personal cup at the office to reduce water waste from washing;
  • Reduce the use of plastic water bottles at the office and on tour by encouraging people to use personal cups or bottles and refill from 5-gallon water containers;
  • Make sustainable purchases and services;
    Bulk purchasing;
  • Regular equipment maintenance;
  • Measure and monitor energy consumption and water use in all our operations with the aim of reducing usage;
  • Reduce paper consumption and/ or choose to recycle paper;
  • Do not print when it is not necessary. If possible, reuse one-sided printing paper;
  • Encourage people to reduce, reuse and recycle waste with our annual recycle event or simple notes around the office;
  • Use more sustainable forms of transportation and reduce our carbon footprint where feasible;
  • Not promote souvenirs or consumption of meat which contain threatened flora and fauna species.

4. Supply Chain

Provide our service providers with codes of conduct and guidance concerning sustainable practices;

  • Support our service providers to improve the responsibility of their operations;
  • Conduct regular audits of our suppliers to ensure compliance with our sustainability standards;
  • Give preference to service providers that are locally owned and/or are showing improvement in the sustainability of their operations;
  • Provide our tour leaders and drivers training regarding sustainable practices;
  • Prefer to work with locally owned businesses reflecting local cultures (hotels, lodges, restaurants, handicraft outlets, arts and culture centers).

5. Destinations and activities

  • Develop products that showcase the best of our destinations whilst benefiting the communities and preserving the natural environment and their culture;
  • Consider sustainable aspects when selecting a destination;
  • Promote off-peak travel to reduce environmental impact and support local economies year-round;
  • Support local and international NGOs and other community-based tourism development projects.

6. Customer communication and protection

  • Provide correct messages and keep our clients informed about sustainability matters in the destinations;
  • Provide our customers with code of conducts;
  • Encourage our clients to select the most sustainable options, travel by public transportation or train where feasible, instead of domestic flights to reduce carbon emission;
  • Provide customers with a 24h reachable contact and guidelines in case of emergency situations;
  • Gather customers feedback for continuous improvement.

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