Community Based Tourism in Hoang Su Phi

Hoang Su Phi CBT Inspection

Isolated in rough off – road areas, Hoang Su Phi can get overshadowed by more popular nearby destinations such as Quan Ba and Dong Van. However, that's not to say that there aren't amazing things to see and do in this under-the-radar destination. This time, we took a 4-day inspection trip, co-organized by CRED and RTC Vietnam, to Vietnam’s most impressive terraced rice field destination that is home to cultural diversity, truly authentic experiences and the extensive trail networks (from easy to tough adventures). And here are introduction about Hoang Su Phi CBT and our few highlights from our trip. ...READ MORE

Nha Trang Has Changed – Practicalities To Concern

Nha Trang Has Changed – Practicalities To Concern

Well known for beautiful white sand beaches, Nha Trang has felt overwhelmed for the past few years. The number of Chinese tourists has dramatically been increased for the past few years overtaking Russia as the largest market. However, as the numbers of Chinese tourists increase, the province has faced many issues to maintain the development of sustainable tourism. If you plan to go to Nha Trang, there are things that you should keep in mind. ...READ MORE

Top 6 Reasons Why You Should Visit Vietnam in 2016

Top 6 Reasons Why You Should Visit Vietnam in 2016

Mark Twain once said:“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” ...READ MORE

Glimpses of Giao Thuy – Wildlife and Countryside

Glimpses of Giao Thuy – Wildlife and countryside

Giao Thuy is a lovely place not so far away from modern Hanoi which has been overlooked by nature lovers and culture enthusiasts. However, it is becoming better known for its exotic landscapes, great biodiversity as well as authentic experiences with the locals. ...READ MORE

Coming back from trip to Ha Giang

Coming back from trip to Ha Giang

Who has just come back from trip to Ha Giang? I am talking to blogger Thu Hien, a good Sales Executive and Receptionist in Footprint’s front office previously and now working in the Product Department. She has just spent a one-week familiarization trip to Ha Giang, her first visit there. We had a little conversation at break-time after lunch. ...READ MORE