Our Guest’s Top 5 Favorite Adventures

 Our Guest’s Top 5 Favorite Adventures

Footprint is rooted doing soft adventure and responsible travel, we have served thousands of visitors, friends from all over the world, our product core is trekking and cycling trips to most of the places in Vietnam and Indochina. ...READ MORE

Travelling with kids

 Travelling with kids

Traveling with young kids can be challenging due to all the responsibilities. But as for us, it is the perfect time to travel when our kids are young enough to be excited to explore everything and old enough to carry their own packs. ...READ MORE

Vietnam 40 years later

Vietnam 40 years later

Vietnam is not a war, it’s a captivating country with friendly people and beautiful destination to visit. The forthcoming Reunification Day on 30 April marks the unity of North and South Vietnam under one government. ...READ MORE

Ba Be - Where Tranquility, Nature and Culture Meet

Today, we take you off the beaten trail to Ba Be National Park – one of the most underrated destinations in Vietnam. If you are a nature lover who loves enjoying a more relaxing travel pace, this is for you. ...READ MORE

Top 5 Off The Beaten Track Destinations In Cambodia

Top 5 Off The Beaten Track Destinations In Cambodia

Cambodia is diverse and rich in culture, like its neighbors in Southeast Asia. It is becoming one of the most popular travel destinations in the region. ...READ MORE